Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tales of Zestiria the X 2 (anime)

Title: Tales of Zestiria the X 2

Aired Date: Jan 2017

Genre(s): Action, adventure, fantasy, role-playing game

Completed or Ongoing: Completed

Plot Summary: A continuation from part 1. Sorey and friends continue to find and purify malevolence and hunt the source of calamity. This series gives a preview into the background of why and how calamity came about this time around and its possible defeat.

Review: I didn't review part 1. This anime is based on the game, if you have played the game, I have heard that while the anime is not that far off from the game version, it still gets it wrong. I have not played the game (I want to though) and will one day. There are references to Berseria because from what I understand, that is the prequel...(I guess that could be consider a spoiler???). This anime had its moments and surprises. If you have ever played anything from Tales, some events may even be predictable. The storyline is not very original for the series, although the characters profile is good. Each has their own secrets and it gets slowly revealed as the episodes progress. No ecchi, no romance, and definitely no smut, so censorship need not apply. The animation is the same as the game. I have no issue with it. On if it was worth watching, that depends on whether you are a Tales fan. Everyone else, may not like it.

Opinion: This anime wasn't bad. It does vary from my usual genres, but I have been a fan of Tales since Symphonia. When I heard that there was an anime, I could not pass it up. Honestly, there isn't much to say about this anime that needs mentioning. Watch it and make your own opinions, but by me telling y'all to watch it, tells you that at least it is watchable. If you want more action, look elsewhere.

Rating: I would give this anime 7 out of 10. Like I said, it is watchable and may make you want to play the game, but if you want more action, go somewhere else.

As always, I do not own this image, but apparently Illuminate Minami owns this one.

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