Date Aired: 2016
Genres: adventure, ecchi, comedy, action
Ongoing/Completed: Completed
Plot Summary: In an era long ago, a war was waged within a nation. Conspiracy is in the air as the kingdom gets divided between the Holy Knights and the Seven Deadly Sins. Which side is good and more importantly, who will win?
Review: Seven Deadly Sins is more than what the title makes it out to be. The characters' profiles are whimsical and refreshing. It's interesting watching how the characters develop as well as how the storyline develops. In the beginning, you're thrust into a dilemma. Who started the war and why? The animation is pleasing, especially when it comes to the action scenes.
The fight scenes draws you into the anime even more. The ecchiness is used more as comic relief than anything that a 13 year old couldn't watch, honestly. Because of that, censorship comes in as comedy. Adventure animes usually start in similar ways, however, the storyline plus characters may make this anime an original in its own way.
Seven Deadly Sins is definitely worth watching.
The fight scenes draws you into the anime even more. The ecchiness is used more as comic relief than anything that a 13 year old couldn't watch, honestly. Because of that, censorship comes in as comedy. Adventure animes usually start in similar ways, however, the storyline plus characters may make this anime an original in its own way.
Seven Deadly Sins is definitely worth watching.
Opinion: WOW! I had heard of this anime from an old friend when we were talking about Trinity Seven. It took me until my visit to my sister's house for me to watch it. We decided to binge watch anime for my blogs and 7 Deadly was the only one my son wanted to keep watching. I will warn you that I had no way of knowing that there was going to be a whole lot of innuendos, groping, panty snatching, or nudity (barely and briefly).
This anime is funny and keeps you begging for the next episodes.
This anime is funny and keeps you begging for the next episodes.
As always, I do not own the images...
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