Thursday, August 3, 2017

Boku no Hero Academia (Season 1 anime)

Title: Boku no Hero Academia or My Hero Academia

Date Aired: 2016

Genres: action, comedy, super power, shounen, school

Ongoing/Completed: Completed

Plot Summary: About 80% of the human population has evolved to develop super human abilities or "quirks" that allow them to become government paid super heroes. The MC is part of the 20% and wants to be a hero. How will he become one?

Review/Opinion: I only watched 2 episodes of this anime and I think it was 2 too many. The start was slow and I didn't even find out how the MC became a hero until I read another site's plot summary.

I couldn't do it, however, I do see that this anime is very popular (and I don't know why). If it floats your boat, enjoy. 

I think the lines are drawn too thick and dark, and I find that unappealing. The storyline is slow...everything is slow. My Hero Academia is one anime that I couldn't watch, hence the review and opinion combination. So not worth saying or watching more than this.

Rating: I give My Hero 1 out of 10...END!....(so mad I did this review...)

NeW tErMiNoLoGy AlErT!!!

Super Power: this is like the name implies; super powers that give you a chance to be a super hero or having a secret identity. Like Sailor Moon, but not like Dragon Ball because they are supernatural.

I don't own the images.....

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