Plot Summary: A high school boy gets transferred to a new school and is completely anti-social to the classmates who are trying to get to know him. Soon everyone gets a text from someone called the "King" who makes unreasonable requests from the students of the class. Thinking it's a joke, they ignore the texts. Unfortunately, not following the King's orders are grounds for punishment and that punishment is an ugly death. It could be asphyxiation or even dismemberment. It turns out that the MC was the last survivor for the last King's Game that made him transfer to this school. Will this current class survive? Will he be the last one standing again? Or will this be his last King's Game?
Review: This anime is tough to get through. The reason it's so difficult is because one can lose themselves in the timeline. This anime tells the story of when the MC was in his class in the past or his first King's Game and in this present class. After receiving plenty of clues about the Game the 1st go round, (there is no preseason for this), the MC tries to stop the Game this time around with those clues from the past and current ones. His success can save lives, but how many can he save?
Opinion: Ousama Game is decent if you can follow along with it. Trying to piece the mystery of what the Game is about and who is behind it is almost a Scooby Doo chase, except people really die and the way they die is supernatural enough to not be Mr. Jones in a ghost costume trying to scam someone. Ousama is bloody, gory and depressing. Surviving is not for everyone or is it that not everyone can survive? Either way there are 4 rules: 1) All student in the class must participate 2) After receiving an order from the King, the order must be completed in 24 hours 3) People who don't complete their orders will be punished 4) Withdrawing from the game midway is not allowed Think you can survive King's Game?
Rating: I'll give Ousama (King's) Game a 7
out of ten.
As always, I don't own any of the pics or videos posted in these blogs!!
Plot Summary: A teenage boy wants to own a restaurant and become a better chef than his father. His father closes down their diner to travel the world to continue his culinary journey so he enrolls his son into his alma mater, Totsuki Culinary Academy, an elite culinary school where only 10% of the students graduate. As soon as the boy gets there, he starts making enemies by declaring that he would be #1 in the school's Elite Ten student council. Will he be #1 or will he be part of the failed 90%? Review: Shokugeki is still as good as its 1st season. The animation and storyline is still the same. However, now that the Autumn Festival is over it's time for a new development. A hostile takeover or a civil war of sorts. Erina's father, Azami, has come back to Totsuki, but not as a student or teacher, but as the new director! It's out with the old and in with the new as Azami kicks out Senzaemon and transforms Totsuki into his dream school where only elite food can be achievable by standing on the shoulders of the giants who created it. There is no need to improve or innovate anything as the only recipe one needs to learn is already prepared exactly the way it needs to be. Leave your personalities, desires and creativity at the door, follow everything that Azami and Central tells you, and you will be elite too. Opinion: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Azami is a bully! He wasn't born as a Nakiri, but he took it over like he was one. He broke up the Elite Ten and created Central, minus a few Elite Ten members who did not fit his ideals, things will never be the same again. Souma and the Polar Star dormitory crew have to try to figure out how to get Totsuki back to its former glory or get expelled. This becomes a fight for not only their dorm and school lives, but for all of the Totsuki chefs who have been forced to close their clubs and quit their specialties in their chosen culinary skill. Souma better be ready to face Central. At the end of the day, they were once former Elite Ten members anyway. How can they win? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, the suspense is killing me!!!!!! (But not by much because I'm reading the ongoing (and further than anime) manga) Rating: Shokugeki so far gets a 9
out of 10. The ratings may go up or down depending on the rest of the episodes As always, I do not own any of the pics, videos or music in my blog....