Title: Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Genre: Action, adventure, drama, psychological, fantasy, thriller
Ongoing or Completed: Ongoing
Plot Summary: An otaku dies on his way back home on one of his "must survive or die" days of going out. Only difference is that he dies on his way back home. He somehow gets reincarnated into a role playing game kinda alternate world. This is his adventure in a world where he receives a special power. The power to restart his life whenever he dies.
Review: This anime starts slow. If you have patience, unlike me, you could catch the spark of why this anime is one of the hottest of this season. Amazingly, it went past the usual 12 episode rounds. Last I checked it was on episode 20. Sorry guys, but I could not invest anytime into this one. If I had liked it more, you would have had a better review.
Opinion: The reason I decided to watch this anime was because I'm also interested in the psychological animangas. This is out of the scope of themes that I wanted to review for this blog, but I see some spark over this anime and I can't help but to join in on the fun.
Some animangas don't last long for me. The first time I watched this anime, I was confused. I actually stopped watching it at episode 5. It just got annoying to go through what the character goes through when his power first presents itself. Some people call it redundant, but I'm an anomaly.
Rating: This anime theme has been done before. It's kind of a hard theme to pull of so I do give the makers kudos for catching fire. It's just not my cup of tea. The beginning is what can make and break a lot of animangas with me. The storyline/plot, character likeability, and an interesting conflict can really set an animanga into a firestorm. Sorry with all the fire analogies. It's a heat wave on this side of the planet and I'm feeling it hard.
I give this anime a 3 out of 10. Like I said, it wasn't for me. I stopped at episode 5 and skipped around episodes 13 and 14. Then I peaked at episode 17 then called it quits. I tried. I really did.
If somehow your taste in animanga is along mine, than don't waste your time. Other than that, watch at your own risk. I may give this anime another try, but it won't be anytime soon.
NeW tErMiNoLoGy AlErT!!!!
Adventure: it is a genre in which the main character goes on a journey in a new world. Kinda like a role playing game. You know, Final Fantasy? Chrono Trigger? Dungeons and Dragons? I mean the title loosely translates to "Starting Life in Another World". Can it get more obvious than that?
Thriller: animangas that evoke strong feelings of suspense, anxiety, etc
Once again, I don't own the image.
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