Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wortenia Senki

Title: Wortenia Senki

Anime/Manga: Manga

Season/Chapter: Chapter 

Release Date: 2017

Genres: Comedy, drama, fantasy, harem, romance, shounen, martial arts, action

Ongoing/Completed: Completed

Plot Summary: A high school boy gets summoned to another world by someone with bad intentions. He kills them, runs away and ends up saving female twin slaves. They swear loyalty to him and has magic abilities that defy the logic of his original world, however, he wants to go home.

Review: The storyline is redundant. Boy gets mysteriously summoned to another world that's RPGish (role-playing gameish). Even though it's a 'been there, done that' kind of theme, it doesn't stop it from being interesting, especially when the MC already knows how to fight. The character profiles are just coming together. There is enough information to give you a basic sense of how the personalities of the characters will come into play in the future.

While the art is slightly pointy, it's still not unattractive. Ecchi is everywhere and explains why harem is part of the genres, however, from what I I've already read, smut is not there...yet. Wortenia Senki does censor, but no surprise there. It's still fun to read though. Definitely look into this one, but go slow as it does take a while for updates.

Opinion: This manga had me asking "Who's Earth's god?" Wait until you get to this chapter! I have been following Wortenia since April and boy do I feel like a stalker...just kidding, but no really it takes soooo long to update. I wouldn't recommend binge reading for this one. By the time the next chapter comes out, you may have to back track to remind yourself what happened. Trust me on this one, you might want to take this one week at a time.

Wortenia Senki is not bad, it's pretty good actually. I wonder how this would look in an anime...

Rating: I give Wortenia 8 sets of twin slaves out of 10. Enjoy!

As always, I do not own any of the pics used on this site.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hakushaku to Yousei

Title: Hakushaku to Yousei

Anime/Manga: Manga

Season/Chapter: Chapter 15

Release Date: 2011

Genres: Fantasy, shoujo, supernatural, romance

Ongoing/Completed: Completed

Plot Summary: There is a legend that states that anyone who possesses the blood from the Earl or ruling lord of the fairies is entitled to a sword that is proof of that bloodline. However, if you are a fake, let's say a thief, then your body will wash up on the shore. There is word of a fairy doctor who is not only knowledgeable in the way of fairies, but who can also see and hear them who may be the key to solving the puzzle of the sword. Who is this fairy doctor and how will she be able to help when fairies don't exist?

Review: The storyline is appealing, but it leaves you hanging. Maybe there should've been a better ending then this if the series was going to be discontinued? Maybe the author was unable to continue with the series foe personal reason. I don't know, but this manga is worth finishing. The illustrations are beautifully drawn and attractive. The female characters don't wear sexy or skimpy clothes in this manga because of it's timeline around the Victorian Era.

The characters' profiles are aggravating. My favorite characters are the fairy doctor's partner and the Earl's butler. Everyone else has me bagging my head against a wall. I'm also not sure about the MC relationship. I do appreciate how the author includes both female and male perspectives, which is why their relationship is frustrating. No smut, no ecchi, varying degrees of romance and no need for censorship. It seems original to me, but I could be wrong.

I think Hakushaku is worth reading, but be prepared to be unsatisfied. Like I said, something is missing.

Opinion: Hakushaku took me by surprise. 1) I didn't expect it to end the way that it did. 2) The storyline was fascinating, but left me dangling over a shark tank. Are they going somewhere with the character developments? 3) Where is the rest? I know they couldn't have ended it with just chapter 15, right? I heard there was an anime, maybe I'll make time to find and binge ... we'll see.

Rating: I give Hakushaku 8 brownies out of 10. There really should've been a continuation or at least a more complete ending.

As always, I do not own any of the pics used in this blog.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

Title: Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

Anime/Manga: Anime

Season/Chapter: Season 1

Date Aired: 2017

Genres: Action, fantasy, magic, school, comedy

Ongoing/Completed: Completed

Plot Summary: A lazy man gets talked into taking a substitute position for a professor at a magic academy. Within hours, the students hate him because he doesn't teach and seems to only get lazier as the days progress. One day, the school comes under attack and this lazy, good for nothing professor seems to be the only one who can do anything. People are not always who they appear to be. Is this professor any different?

Review: The characters' profiles in this anime are complex enough that the 1st season doesn't 100% explain everyone's mysterious past. Towards the end, however, you do get a little taste of their past that makes you want to continue on with the series. The animation is good and there is plenty of action and comedy to keep this anime interesting. There is no smut and maybe a little ecchi, but not enough to categorize it as ecchi.

The same goes for romance levels. There may be a slight harem element to it only because the MC is a professor who turns out to be a hero in disguise. The ladies (student, staff, etc) can't help but be enamored and the men (staff, not so much students) either envy him or hate him, and some may have a little bit of both. The storyline is a little complicated, but if you stick with it, it will be worth the time and effort you've invested in it. I am unsure of the originality of Akashic Records' storyline because I don't normally watch teacher animes.

No need to discuss censorship as there is nothing to censor.

Opinion: Season 1 is completed and binge worthy. Akashic Records takes you by surprise as you start to love the laziness of the MC in the beginning. The relationships between this teacher and his students are touching and it has a Mighty Ducks, Bad News Bears, or for you newer generation, cheering for the underdogs kind of feel to it.

For the sake of not spoiling too much, I'll say to watch it and find out what I'm talking (writing) about.

Rating: I give Akashic Records 8 late-study hall assigning professors out of 10. 

As always, I do not own any of the pics posted to this blog.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Boku no Hero Academia (Season 1 anime)

Title: Boku no Hero Academia or My Hero Academia

Date Aired: 2016

Genres: action, comedy, super power, shounen, school

Ongoing/Completed: Completed

Plot Summary: About 80% of the human population has evolved to develop super human abilities or "quirks" that allow them to become government paid super heroes. The MC is part of the 20% and wants to be a hero. How will he become one?

Review/Opinion: I only watched 2 episodes of this anime and I think it was 2 too many. The start was slow and I didn't even find out how the MC became a hero until I read another site's plot summary.

I couldn't do it, however, I do see that this anime is very popular (and I don't know why). If it floats your boat, enjoy. 

I think the lines are drawn too thick and dark, and I find that unappealing. The storyline is slow...everything is slow. My Hero Academia is one anime that I couldn't watch, hence the review and opinion combination. So not worth saying or watching more than this.

Rating: I give My Hero 1 out of 10...END!....(so mad I did this review...)

NeW tErMiNoLoGy AlErT!!!

Super Power: this is like the name implies; super powers that give you a chance to be a super hero or having a secret identity. Like Sailor Moon, but not like Dragon Ball because they are supernatural.

I don't own the images.....