Monday, July 25, 2016

Puzzle (Manga)

Title: Puzzle

Author: Morie Satoshi

Genre(s): Romance, smut, one shot, psychological, school life, shoujo

Ongoing or Completed?: Completed

Summary: The female MC is looking for the missing piece in her life that would make her feel completed.

Review: "Puzzle" is a manga that would leave you wanting and waiting for more. It feels like it could go on a bit longer, but it shouldn't. The storyline is not strong enough for more than the one shot it was made for. Read if you're bored, but if you have something else to read, read that. It was okay. Much respect to Satoshi for having the courage to get something published though.

Opinion: The artwork isn't the best, but it's tolerable. It didn't make me want to skip ahead so it gets bonus points for that. The storyline is kinda of weak and the male MC is a man of few words. I'm glad, however, that the female makes the first move. This is opposite of how a lot of cultures (including America) choose to make the female protagonist. A docile female who never takes the initiative and is always led by the male. The message of this story; if someone who you want in your life doesn't "fit", make them fit by constantly changing until your relationship fits. Do I agree with this? Hell, no.

*NeW tErMiNoLoGy:
One Shot: This means that this manga was completed in basically 1 chapter. You usually don't find another manga for it.

Psychological: Mostly fucks with the reader's head. Not everything is as it seems.

School Life: School age people. Up to college if the story revolves around that school life.

Shoujo: Manga written and intended for females. Mostly involves strong female characters and romance.

Also, I do not own this picture!

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